Saturday, June 30, 2007


You knew it was coming sooner or later. This photo just had to rear its ugly rear at you again from the safety of its net of the world-wide variety. Somehow things which happen have this way of happening that makes you wish that they never had happened. It makes you wonder why when you had to take the road of life, why you had to have chose the highway with the road accident, I mean, collision ('accident' implies that there's no one to blame. haha. hot fuzz!) But then you realise that after all, all roads lead to Rome right? And since you're travelling on the road, the fact that the rain in Spain falls mainly on the plains, means that your journey is pretty much independent on whether the weather stays in your favour or not. Plus, now you know that the grass isn't simply just greener on the other side, but probably rather waterlogged at that. With this in mind, you can now champion the cause of travelling without having to have worried about getting your salted peanuts. You can now have your PIE and love it, knowing that the CBD has its ERP and hence suffers a notable amount of GST. Now you know that quantum is bollocks anyway, as who really cares where your particle will end up, as long as you get bacon for breakfast the next day. It might also dawn on you, after dusk perhaps, that not everything matters, but the things which do, matter a lot.

viewed from here,

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